Thursday, January 25, 2007

My new phone baby~

Photo of my new phone~

I've come to realise that, I did not explain how did I get my free hp..

Well, here comes the story~

Mr. Eric Teng called me up one day and asked me...

"Hey, Eva... remember I owe u a phone?... Do u mind taking in this Z530i phone? Ur phone that time dropped in water right? So since Im a Maybank staff and am using Maxis postpaid..... ... by jz signing up the postpaid package for 2 years, I can get the phone for free...." "...although it's not a 3G phone.. or good camera phone, but jz take it and use it.. ok?"

Isn't he kind???? Yes, he is... =) Do not envy me by having such a good friend... I wont give u his number hihi~

Imagine if u were me, will u say NO? =)

That's exactly the same answer I gave... Of course I WONT! Why not? Since it's free.. right? It's a blessing from God! :P

Oh suddenly I remember that time when my cute little Z520i cant function well, I did pray and ask the Lord to bless me with one new phone... becos I really don have any budget to get one...

NOW.. the prayer is being answered!!!!!! HOoohooooo... praise the Lord.. with all my heart.. praise Him for He has done great things....

God is soooo good!!!!1 God is sooo Good!... God is sooo GooD.. He is sooo Good to Me!

That's the story about how I got a phone as a gift... many ppls have been asking me about how I am able to get one phone for free... and I've been asking ppl to read my blog.. . but I've forgotten to tell the story more in detail... so there goess.. the story!!!!

wait... I forgot to add in this part! Eric actually waited at home for the guy to send over the phone for one whole day and... and.... the most...... super.. duper.... extreme..... extraordinary....... touching part is..........

He purposely drove all the way from puchong......... to send it to me.... in Old Klang Road!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I think most of u must be so jealous... that hoping u will find one guy like this, too! RIgHT??? Hehe... im selfish.. i still wont give u his number... lalallaal)

Fong Lyn asked me about who's this nice guy, some of u that know me long enough shld know who he is.... =)

May u be blessed too!

1 comment:

john_gan said...

hmmm... wish i could send a gift to my babe all the way to sabah.... hahah....