Saturday, March 17, 2007

What's your number?

Got this game from Nesan's blog.

Im suppose to write down 13 names that come to my mind... then answer the following questions.

So the 13 ppls that I've thought about...
  1. Eric Teng
  2. Adrian Tan
  3. Siva Nesan
  4. Jia
  5. Michele KOk
  6. Rebecca Chan
  7. Aaron Mar
  8. Eric LIm
  9. John Gan
  10. clayts
  11. Chloe
  12. Andy (chloe's friend)
  13. Iggy.. Igguuu....

How did you meet 10?
Inti CF

What would you do if you had never met1?
Hmm... definitely there will be a huge empty slot in my past...^^ a brother that had blessed me a lot.. and still blessing me now...

Have you ever seen 4 cry?
Yeah.. why not? Cry because of the Joy of the Lord... and cry because of the love we have for each other.. bla bla bla... eheh

Do you think 3 is cute?
ahha.... Hmm... yeah he is super funny and cute when he sees all his 'nightmare monsters' around him... the older CFers would know what Im talking about ahahahha

How did you get to know 8?
ICF also, not really that close that time therefore didn get to know him well...

Would you ever go on a date with number5?
hmmmm... yeah.. we went movie together before... with others eheh

What's 7's Favorite color?
I guess.. white??? Cause I saw him in white last night eheh

What would you do if 5 confessedhe/she loved you?
Ok, a sister in christ that loves me, I shld be more than happy right????

Who is 4 going out with?
hehe.. the very lucky one... Philip Kok... =P

Who is number 1 to you?-
a very close brother... that can share my thoughts and feelings with

Would you ever live with 13? -
hihi.. nv thought of that... but then pity him will get lecture by me everyday wei...

Is 2 single?
at the mean time... YES... hihi

Where does 7 live?
USJ something...

What do you think about 3?
Hmm... he ah... very funny guy... too bad no chance to lepak with him anymore... He IS like SOOO bz now... for the band's single...

What's the best thing about number 8?- the best thing? Jz met him y'day after so long... I guess... if u ask me at this moment I would say his AUStralia ACCENT is darn.... best ahahha

What do you like about number 1?- hmm... his creativity in making nonsense jokes (funny to make me laugh some times), his cares towards me (as a brother lar... doink), and... hmm... what else?

Favorite Memory with 4?- I love that time when we laugh together, being lame together, playing guitar (she lar of course) and singing together, cry together and pray together... all are my favourite memory....

hihi that's all my answer.. phew.. darn long wei the game

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