Monday, May 07, 2007

10 Weird things about myself

Eric Lim tagged me... although my holidays have come to an end.. I don mind cracking my head now to do this... (what's the purpose la?..... i dono)

The rules are: Once you've been tagged, you write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself.
At the end you choose 5 people to be tagged, and list their names.
Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged', and tell them to read your latest blog.

  1. I hate hypocrites, don't smile at me when you do not like me
  2. I hate when ppl keep everything in your heart instead of confronting me
  3. I hate sour plums, raisin ( but im alright with fresh grapes) and all the preserve colourful fruits.
  4. I love cheesecake, but only New York or Coffee related. blueberry strawberry marble cheesecake I would not really waste my money in ordering
  5. Coffee is a daily drink for me, at least 1-3 cups a day is never a problem
  6. I only drink Hot Tea if u offer me, and pls.. remember to give me a Kosong one
  7. I drive five different cars, but none of them is mine
  8. The smell of rain makes me drown in my own emotional world, do not ask me why
  9. I can smell the rain before it drops down from the sky
  10. I don't enjoy being tagged in doing this kinda stuff too, it kills too many of my brain cells.

So, I suppose to tag FIVE person?

  1. Sarah Jane- hehe give yourself a break alright? Don't study 24 hours...
  2. Iggy Charles- come on, I know you have plenty of free times ahahha
  3. Kimberly- hey, i wanna see how weird you are lol
  4. Phoe Phoe- phoe... tell me more about you eheh...
  5. Hmm... who else? Kylie- give a try? although I know you don't really blog...

Yeay done~

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