Sunday, July 01, 2007

Grace Church Shah Alam Weekly Newletter

Bulletin Message

While we study Abraham to know the benefits of being a "child of Abraham", there is a statement recorded about his walk with God that needs paying attention to. In Gen.18:22 it states, "...but Abraham remained standing before the LORD." Some carry the Hebrew traditional translation that reads, "...but the LORD remained standing before Abraham."

That makes a very interesting study. Whichever way we look at it, there seems to be great lessons from both. If the LORD stood before Abraham, it could only mean that He was not through with His conversation or interaction with him. It was God's way of saying, "Go ahead, see if you really know My heart and will press for the salvation of that wicked city, Sodom." If Abraham stood before the LORD, it could mean that he was saying, "God, I'm not through with you yet. The angels may have gone on to destroy the city, but I know I can move You to stop it."

Beloved, that's GOOD NEWS ! Either way we win! God STOPS to be STOPPED by us. Or we CAN stop God and decide on the direction of what we want to see happen.

What am I saying ? Learn to keep on ASKING, SEEKING and KNOCKING and watch out for amazing results.

Meeting God With You,

Pastors David Ramayah & Lai Fan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great message, maid me to think lots, eby, ludhiana.